
How can we help you?

Manuals and Guides

Only those who are already customers can access, with authorization from the Area Manager. You must fill out the appropriate form to request access.
Send an e-mail to [email protected], an employee will reply as soon as possible.
The technical documentation can be requested via the INFO REQUEST form, also by attaching photos. Our technical assistance will send you the pdf of the manual as soon as possible.


To find out about our products, consult our website under PRODUCTS. Instead, to find the answers to the main questions about our products, you can visit the FAQ - Products page.
Our products are available only from plumbers and wholesalers, not in stores.
To request an offer on our products, click on the REQUEST INFO section of the website and fill in the form completely: you will be contacted as soon as possible by one of our Area Managers.
No, we do not sell our products ONLINE.
Clicchi sulla voce del menù RICERCA CENTRI ASSISTENZA, quindi compili provincia, comune e raggio: avrà a sua disposizione l’elenco completo con nominativo, indirizzo e recapito.


Send an e-mail to [email protected], an employee will reply as soon as possible.


No, we do not have a WhatsApp number.
Forward your company data via our website, by clicking on REQUEST INFO, inserting "AREA MANAGER REQUEST" in the subject field and filling in all the fields. You will be contacted as soon as possible by one of our Area Managers. Otherwise, on the 'Where We Are' page, you will find the list of contacts to refer to.