
Why invest in CMV in private homes and public spaces?

Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (CMV) offers constant monitoring of air exchange in closed environments, adapting to the presence or absence of people inside.

CMV systems ensure a high degree of purity of the incoming air thanks to their efficient filters, preventing the entry of contaminants from the external environment and maintaining astable temperature in indoor spaces—the ideal solution for constant control of air healthiness in particularly crowded buildings and inside private homes.

Good ventilation determines optimal climatic comfort and consequent psychophysical well-being—interconnected factors that should not be underestimated as they are essential for a good quality of life.

How does CMV work?

In Controlled Mechanical Ventilation systems, air from the outside is brought into the premises after being purified of pollen, fine dust, and other pollutants; at the same time, the exhausted indoor air is expelled from the building, providing an efficient and safe air exchange.

The advantages of installing a CMV system

Opening windows to ventilate rooms may bring apparent relief, but it also allows harmful substances, present in the outdoor environment, to enter work or home places, polluting them. We also need to consider the waste of energy caused by the release of warm or cold air, depending on the season.

Air quality, especially in urban centers of large cities, is a very critical parameter. Air pollution—caused by traffic, industries, agriculture, and domestic heating—represents an obstacle to environmental and personal health.

CMV is, to all intents and purposes, the most effective solution to air exchange, whether in domestic or public environments such as hospitals, cinemas, theaters, industrial environments, or offices.

In fact, this particular type of controlled ventilation lends itself to being the optimal solution for high living comfort in several aspects:

- air quality: the air released into the rooms is cleaner than the air outside. The filtering operation is able to purify it from pollen, fine dust, and dangerous pollutants, such as fine and ultrafine particulates.

- economic savings: the CMV allows significant economic savings, avoiding the unnecessary heat loss that occurs when windows are opened or by using ordinary exhaust fans that allow filtering but not temperature maintenance.

- avoids mold formation: the continuous air recirculation makes it impossible for mold to form caused by moisture in the air, an increasingly common and dangerous problem in homes.

- increases property value: implementing CMV is synonymous with energy efficiency and healthy home environments.

The types of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation

There are two types of CMV: centralized (or ducted) and decentralized (or punctual).

In a centralized CMV, there is only one unit, located in a room separate from the inhabited rooms, from which the connecting pipes branch off to all rooms. This structure is invisible and therefore does not represent an aesthetic defect in homes; what can be seen are only the ventilation vents, which allow air recirculation.

The centralized CMV can be easily managed, as there is only a single system that allows ventilation to be differentiated in individual rooms. Given the size of the system, sometimes building adaptations, such as plasterboard ceilings, may be necessary. To maintain optimal system performance, it is also a good idea to perform regular cleanings of the ventilation ducts. The versatility of the instrument allows it to be installed both in private homes and on public premises.

The decentralized CMV, on the other hand, represents a one-room solution suitable for all those types of buildings where there is no possibility of having a dedicated space. More reasonably priced, this solution consists of a CMV system for each room, a solution suitable for the increasingly common modernizations in buildings.

The CMV is easy to install even in limited spaces, avoids some building modifications, does not require pipe cleaning, and is programmedon a room-by-room basis—the ideal solution for private homes or public places that are not very large.

EMMETI Products for CMV Installation

The air flows of a Controlled Mechanical Ventilation system can be of two types: single-flow or dual-flow.

Single-flow CMV is low in cost but has some limitations, such as low levels of filtration.Emmeti's CMV products are exclusively dual-flow to offer our customers high-performance solutions that last over time.

Emmeti's decentralized dual-flow CMV has advantages over single-flow CMV because:

- it is easy to install, with intuitive operation control via simple buttons that are adjustable in each individual room or area.

- has a built-in preheater to prevent freezing of the heat exchanger.

- has high energy efficiency, with heat recovery performance exceeding 90%.

- is extremely silent: acoustically isolates all noise from outside

Installing innovative technologies such as Emmeti Controlled Mechanical Ventilation in private homes or shared spaces allows the community to not only invest in a better future but also gain personal well-being and public health.