Inverter Air-to-Water Heat Pumps for Residential
In terms of renewable energy sources, heat pumps are cutting-edge devices that can boost efficiency and cut pollution emissions even further when used in conjunction with a photovoltaic system.
The philosophy adopted was discovered to be precisely in line with the goals of continuous improvement of the "macro-environment," with the enhancement of ethical values of modern society such as environmental protection and pollution reduction, and the "micro-environment," contributing to the decrease in consumption and an immediate economic benefit for families. Reversible heat pumps can make the most of the energy for the rooms' heating and air conditioning demands by connecting directly to various systems, such as radiant systems (for heating and cooling), terminal air units, and low-temperature radiators.
They are, at the same time, suitable and efficient systems for producing domestic hot water through a boiler.
The latest generation of heat pumps also fulfill the expanding demands for living comfort while lowering relative management costs, ensuring maximum efficiency and reliability in winter and summer air conditioning.